Monday, August 4, 2014

Re: [epilepsy] NEW TO GROUP


Thank you Robert for your reply. 
I gather by your e mail.....that you are now well controlled. 
How ...what drug is responsible for this miracle ?

From: "'Robert' [epilepsy]" <>
Sent: Monday, August 4, 2014 5:12:45 AM
Subject: RE: [epilepsy] NEW TO GROUP

Hi Simy,
I used to get nocturnal GM seizures. I'd know because of a bitten tongue and a feeling of total fatigue. But being otherwise healthy and young (20s then), I would go to work and tell no-one (usually). But the feeling of complete fatigue would persist the whole day. But I could function OK so you could say that was normal day to day activity. Doesn't compare well to your question. But I'd say a general answer is it varies person to person.
The exercise question? I'd say the following day at least.

From: []
Sent: 04 August 2014 02:13
Subject: [epilepsy] NEW TO GROUP
Hello Everyone
I am the mother of a 24 year old with autism and epilepsy. 
I have questions about seizures that my son can not answer due to his inability to communicate. 
I am hoping that I could ask my questions here.
My first question is about a Grand Mal Seizure. 
I would like to know about how long after the seizure is over does one return to normal day to day activities ?  
How does one feel the next day after a grand mal seizure ? 
If there are exercise fans among you, when do they feel like exercising again ? 


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