Sunday, June 19, 2011

Re: [epilepsy] New to Group


Thank you so very much

From: uniquepnk <>
Sent: Sat, June 18, 2011 9:36:22 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] New to Group


Welcome to the group. I have complex partial seizures, that started when I
was a baby from a head injury. That was over 42 years ago. I have complex
partial seizures. I have never been able to drive, because of the seizures.
My sister has migraine headaches and a friend of mine has had panic attackks
for awhile. Stress seems to cause all three of them. My sister can't stand
light, she can only see straight ahead,and noise does bother her.She usually
has to sleep it off.My best friend that has the panic attacks gets them when
she gets aggravated with something. The light doesn't seem to bother her.
She gets to where she can't breathe and gasps for breath. When she gets
calm, she seems to be alright. I guess everybody's is different with them
too. I have had bad headaches before, but the neurontin helped when I was on
it. My neurologist took me off it and put me on Keppra XR, and Vimpat that I
take now. I still have seizures, but don't experience headaches like I used
to.I don't know which meds is right for you, but they are not good on your
hair. I take vitamins, but  it still comes out, but I guess it could be
worse. You need to make sure it is seizures you are having. Take care.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 5:47 PM, Susan Wain <> wrote:

> **
> name is Sue and in November, 2010, I think I had a seizure as I
> had a
> thunderbult/ligthening headache and noise/light was not tolerable for the
> entire
> day.  When I went to drive to work, I couldnt' go over 40 when I normally
> can do
> 65 easily.  I was slurring my words all day and was out of it like I was
> drunk
> and was confused all day.  I went to the hospital and my EEG showed slow
> brain
> waves, and electrically irritated waves.  I started taking Depakote, and
> strong
> headache meds.  However, I am now getting off of the Depakote as after 6
> months,
> I am having bad side affects.  Now my headaches are coming back.  My doctor
> is
> going to put me on Neurontin as a transfer drug and then Lamictal to
> stabalize
> my "auras" that I have where, at least once per month, I just stare and am
> out
> of it for a minute.  Some days I get panic attack symptoms and my head
> hurts
> really bad and I hear things lounder than normal.  IS WHAT I AM HAVING
> as my doctors dont' know and I'm scared!  Besides EEG's, MRI's and CT
> can you be sure and what is the right medication that treats
> severe headaches with complex partial seizures?  I want the least side
> affects -
> no vision or hair loss
> ________________________________
> From: wendy d <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, June 15, 2011 11:40:34 PM
> Subject: [epilepsy] Camp
> Hi All,
> I have not written in awhile, but I've been checking in and keeping
> (fairly)
> updated on what's going on. I will be volunteering at a summer camp for a
> week
> this summer as part of my "professional" (although I am still a student)
> development. The camp is one for kids with chronic illnesses, a different
> illness every week. Turns out, the ONLY week that is not full for female
> counselors is epilepsy week. So I signed up. But...something makes me a
> little
> anxious about this. I don't know why. It's definitely not about not wanting
> to
> see people have seizures. It's something more selfish and personal, almost
> as
> though I want it to be known that I am a person with epilepsy too...and yet
> I'm
> not sure whether that is information I should be disclosing. Or why it
> matters.
> I just wanted to kind of share my thoughts about this, because I'm not
> quite
> sure what I'm nervous about, except that everything will be too close to
> home,
> maybe.
> Wendy
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