And if the zoning allows, keeping a couple of chickens is wonderful. They are way easier to keep than a dog or cat, and they will also be your own private garbage disposal and fertilizer factory. Using wood pellets in the bottom of the coop, they don't smell either.
Homegrown eggs are just nothing like storebought (even the "cage free" storebought ones). They are a complete food too: in one experiment rats were fed nothing but eggs and they did fine. And home chickens are rather happy animals, way happier than your average dog (who pines whenever the owner is gone) or cat (who will not show happiness on general principles). Chickens mostly care that they have good food and a nesting box, and really love it if you give them all the pulled weeds from your yard. (They also like wandering around your yard if that is possible: mine used to but the eagles started noticing .... ).
If one of your neighbors has chickens, they likely have too many eggs for at least part of the year, and may be willing to sell some. I give mine away to some select people, namely the ones who donate egg cartons to the cause!
On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 6:04 AM, tamaratornado < > wrote:
I have asked vegans, what is their arguments against eggs and dairy raised by small farmers who care for their animals? They never have an answer for me.
No human culture has ever been vegan. Every tradtional culture has had some form of animal food in their diet, be it eggs or dairy or insects, though usually meat and fish. There have been very few vegetarian cultures worldwide.
Keep eating eggs and don't feel bad about it. Try to get your eggs from local organic farmers if you can.
- T
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