Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Re: [epilepsy] Switching from Keppra to generic


Hi Tammy,

Thanks for the information. I am staying on the brand name Keppra. My seizures have been controlled by my meds, so I don't want to make any changes. My copays have tripled within the last month, but when it comes to our health we have do what is best. Take care.


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On Jun 2, 2010, at 1:11 PM, "uniquepnk" <> wrote:


I would have wrote this sooner, but my computer has been in the shop. I am
on Keppra XR now, but I have been on the brand name of Keppra and the
generic form of Keppra. Some people didn't seem to have any problems with
the generic Keppra, but it didn't seem to help me as well as the brand name
did. I was switched a couple of times because the medical card wouldn't pay
for it and within 2 does of it, I had a seizure. I seen on the tv the other
day an advertisement for a lawsuit against the makers of the generic form of
the Keppra saying it wasn't as effective as the brand name stuff. My
neurologist switched mine to the Keppra XR about a year and a half ago. It
seems to do better than the regular Keppra did. I never did have much luck
out of any of the generic medications though. Take care.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:11 PM, Terry Martin <> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Has anyone switched from the name brand Keppra to the generic form of it? I
have heard that it is not good to change to a generic if you have been
taking the name brand. Keppra has been controlling my seizures (along with
generic Dilantin). My pharmacy has tried to get me to change to the generic,
but I refused and now my copay has doubled. Thanks for any thoughts on this
subject. Take care.


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