Sunday, May 3, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: "serious" side effets


1. Phenytion is generic Dilantin. My Dr. changed me
to the brand name. They say it is the same but it isn't.
Is that the only med you are taking?

There are 25 different kinds of szs and that many meds.
How long have you been on it? You may need to find another
med. Just because Dilantin and Phenabarb work for me doesn't
mean it will work for everybody.

You will have to ask your Dr. what "serious" means.
In my opinion you have far too many side effects.
Have you told your Dr. about them? I'd ask
if it would be possible to get a different
med. If you don't tell him -- he will think that
everything is OK -- and you know it isn't.

Are you still having szs? If you can't see your Dr.
at least call his nurse and have her give him the message.


> --- In, "gaelic_darkwater" <gaelic_darkwater@...>
> wrote:
>> I've been trying to find an answer to this for several days and can't
>> seem to get a real answer anywhere, so I'm hoping someone here has
>> experience with this or knows someone who does and can give me an
>> answer...
>> I'm having a LOT of problems with the side effects from the phenytoin.
>> I looked the medicine up online and the side effects are mostly listed
>> as "serious", such as loss of balance, and dizziness, although I also
>> have blurred vision and EXTREME fatigue. (I have slept for DAYS at a
>> time.) I also can't type anywhere NEAR as easily as I once did and
>> frequently misspell words or even forget words entirely. Not too long
>> ago I stood in my kitchen for nearly an hour struggling to remember what
>> the big silver box was and how in the world it was used. It was the
>> microwave, which I use every day.
>> So what I need to know is, when they say "serious" how serious is it?
>> Am I risking serious long-lasting health problems (which I really can't
>> afford added to these seizures) or do they just mean that these are
>> seriously irritating? What should I do? I can't get to my doctor for
>> weeks still.
> Years ago my doctor prescribed me carbratrol. I had so much in my system
> that I had blurry vision, natious, I couldnt even walk I was so dizzy. I
> only felt like this after I took my medicine. After I threw up all that
> stuff went away. Your not alone. If I were you I would see your doctor.
> The prescribed me the carbratrol got sued. Please let me know what
> happens.
> Katrina

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