Sunday, May 3, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Please Answer


Pyscomotor EP is when you have a sz -- some part of your body moves
and you have no control over it --like your hand or foot or head.


> I've been a member here for several months and exchanged great
> conversation. Moreso; I've learned so much from many of you! :)
> As most of you know, its been a long haul for my Neuro not actually
> categorizing my episodes because of my lack of funds for testing beyond my
> 2 EEGs, which were both normal.
> She does suspect I have absence and frontal lobe seizures by the way I've
> relayed my symptoms.
> Just last week she wrote in her notes [which I obtained after our office
> visit] "psychomotor EP".
> And I know so many of you are knowledgable about EP, especially those of
> you who've had EP for the better part of your adult life.
> Please tell me what you know about what my Neuro has written.
> [PS: She prescribed Tegretol, and last evening I took my 1st dose. For
> the 1st time in months, I did not shake this morning upon waking.]

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