Sunday, May 3, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: "serious" side effets

--- In, "gaelic_darkwater" <gaelic_darkwater@...> wrote:
> I've been trying to find an answer to this for several days and can't seem to get a real answer anywhere, so I'm hoping someone here has experience with this or knows someone who does and can give me an answer...
> I'm having a LOT of problems with the side effects from the phenytoin. I looked the medicine up online and the side effects are mostly listed as "serious", such as loss of balance, and dizziness, although I also have blurred vision and EXTREME fatigue. (I have slept for DAYS at a time.) I also can't type anywhere NEAR as easily as I once did and frequently misspell words or even forget words entirely. Not too long ago I stood in my kitchen for nearly an hour struggling to remember what the big silver box was and how in the world it was used. It was the microwave, which I use every day.
> So what I need to know is, when they say "serious" how serious is it? Am I risking serious long-lasting health problems (which I really can't afford added to these seizures) or do they just mean that these are seriously irritating? What should I do? I can't get to my doctor for weeks still.
Years ago my doctor prescribed me carbratrol. I had so much in my system that I had blurry vision, natious, I couldnt even walk I was so dizzy. I only felt like this after I took my medicine. After I threw up all that stuff went away. Your not alone. If I were you I would see your doctor. The prescribed me the carbratrol got sued. Please let me know what happens.


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