--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> I've been a member here for several months and exchanged great conversation.
> Moreso; I've learned so very much from many of you! :)
> As most of you know, its been a long haul for my Neuro not actually categorizing my symptoms because of my lack of funds for testing beyond my 2 EEGs which were both normal.
> She does suspect I have absence and frontal lobe complex partial seizures by the way I've explained my episodes.
> Just last week she wrote in her notes "psychomotor EP" [which I obtained after our office visit].
> And I know so many of you are knowledgable about EP, especially those of you who've had EP for the better part of your adult life.
> Please tell me what you know about what my Neuro has written.
> [PS: She prescribed Tegretol, and last evening I took my 1st dose. For the 1st time in months, I did not shake this morning upon waking.]
I just got diaganosed with having complex partial siezures. For the past two years ive been taking lamictal because of my two daughters. Certain medicines like tegretol, carbartrol etc cause birth defects. Befofe I got on lamictal I think I was taking tegretol. Im now taking lamictal plus 25mg of topomax. Lamictal im taking 200mg. I dont know if this helps but at least you know your not alone.

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