--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> I was ordered on meds in January. I was instructed to come back in late March to have my blood levels checked. I called the office on 3/21 and there was no order on record. The doctor signed orders on Wednesday and I went in on Friday 3/20.
> I followed up Tuesday 3/24, and the test could not be found right away. I gave my cell for call back. I did not hear anything so I called back Thursday, 26. Still...no test found. I was then told it may have been sent to the doctors other office, so I called there. They had no record and did not think it would have been sent there, but would check. Again, left my cell phone for call back. No call from either office on Friday. I am going to make a point of it on Monday and make sure I escalate this to the duty nurse, but please....the lack of follow-up does not make me me feel better.
> I went to another doctor last month for a second opinion. He concurred with my current doctor and said that he was a colleague at another practice and I was in good hands. I really did like him more though becuase of his bedsire manners. I also had a list of quesitons that I brought and he answered them all.
> I am really thinking of switching over to the other doctor. This is my health and I really do not want to have tests being missed and then not getting an answer on why.
> What does the rest of the group think?
Hi Travelin2
Go with your gut if you are not happy switch. Your health is very important. I was diagnosed with Epilepsy when I was 17. the Dr. That I saw at that time treated me for awhile and then told that he did not know what to do with me. Which I was happy that he admitted that. I then switched to a different dr. that my primary referred me to. Which was a big mistake he mislead me. Scary thing was that he was chief of staff. He told me that I was not having seizures I was just having headaches. I had a lot of auras. He never took it seriously so niether did I. He only wanted to see me once a year because he said I was fine. My Epilepsy clearly showed up on MRI and slowing in temporal lobe on EEG. He then left his practice and moved farther away. So I figured that I was fine and I did not need to see a Neurologist. I continued to take my medecine and just went on suffering with my life. BIG MISTAKE. A little over a year ago I started having several auras a day those were my small seizures which according to the Dr. were just headaches. I knew something was not right. I felt awful all the time. I then had a very big seizure. I was really scared. I had to go to a new Neurologist. Best choice I ever made. I found out that all these years I really was having seizures. They were not just headaches of course after my seizures I would have an unbearable headache. I was very angry that all these years I suffered. had I changed dr.s earlier maybe my life would have changed a little and I would not have suffered as much maybe. All those years I drove and had them while I was driving and did not realize how bad it was. I always said it was no big deal. So again go with your gut and find a new dr. It is a scary thing to be mislead by a Dr. Don't jsut let it go like I did. My new dr. is amazing I am so glad I found her. There really are some great Dr.s out there who really do care about you and will do just about anything to help you. You deserve to lead a normal happy healthy life and be able to enjoy things without worrying about what you are going to do next. I hope you find a great Dr. that cares about you and is willing to help you. You deserve it. Take care and best wishes.

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