Thursday, April 7, 2016

Re: [fast5] New to Fast Five!


Recently joined this group and am happy to see active as well!  

I did Fast 5 the summer before last and dropped 20 lbs with great ease (was also walking 4 miles of hilly roads each day and swimming several days a week--fun swimming, not intense laps or anything like that).  Since then, I've had another baby...and now the time has come for me to return to it. 

Honestly, it just feels like a natural way of eating for me.  Never really feels like I have had to "force" anything....which makes it easy for me to consider it a lifestyle rather than a short-term "diet plan."

Warm and well wishes to all of y'all!  


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On Apr 7, 2016, at 6:13 PM, Linda McErlean [fast5] <> wrote:


Nice to see some activity here. I would weigh once a week only. I did this program and lost #25. I need to get back on it faithfully but need a partner to buddy up with. This group used to be so active and now it had died out so we have less support.

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On Apr 7, 2016, at 9:55 AM, [fast5] <> wrote:



I'm new to the fast five lifestyle. This is my second week and things are going pretty well I think! I haven't weighed myself yet because I tend to get very discouraged by the scale and don't want it to throw me off the bandwagon if I don't like what I see. I know I haven't gained weight as my pants aren't hurting me anymore haha. I'm wondering if I should bite the bullet and weigh myself though, it would be nice to know just how much I've lost. Any thoughts?

Also, today is a little tough because my boss bought lunch for me and a coworker and I'm literally sitting in my office with the untouched food sitting on my desk! I didn't feel comfortable telling him about my crazy diet and thought it would be rude to deny the food. I told myself I could eat the food now in guilt or I could just wait until 5 and eat it with no guilt so that helps a little. But it's still just staring at me.

It was great to find a forum! I'd appreciate any thoughts or tips about fast five!


Posted by: Katie Barber <>
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