Wednesday, March 12, 2014

[epilepsy] Re: Medical Marijuana


My whole point is trying to get away from the pills and potions that are "prescribed" by Drs. They are the biggest dope dealers in the country. They don't know how some meds even work. Watch the next drug commercial on tv. 15 seconds to tell you the benefits, 45 to tell the side effects. Take a pill for an illness, take one to counteract the side effects of the first. Develop a new problem from the second med and take a third, etc.and on and on. I have friends who have 10-15 meds they take daily.  I have used marijuana since the 80's to supplement my seizure meds. I am in otherwise good health, take no other meds for any conditions, weigh what I did in High school, and I don't feel like I have developed any long term effects from using MMJ. I had to quit taking it when I moved to a country where it was illegal, and seizures increased in frequency/ severity. Children are having success with it in reducing seizures. I am not advocating anyone break the law, or quit taking their meds, but I feel it can be a viable addition for the treatment for seizures, and many other conditions. And, if  makes you feel good, all the better.

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