Sunday, May 3, 2009

Re: [fast5] Re: new to the group

thanks andy. i tried to search the archives, but only came up with indirect statements. your answers have cleared up a lot of my confusion.

i started today and it was a little harder than i anticipated. i had to stretch my window to 7 hours instead of 5. :(  oh well. i'm not going to beat myself up about it. there's always tomorrow.

thanks again.

From: andy030144 <>
Sent: Sunday, May 3, 2009 11:09:35 AM
Subject: [fast5] Re: new to the group

EatstopEat has 2 24 hour fasts in a week and Fast-5 has 7 19 hour fasts per week so it really depends on what you want to do because they both work. I switch back and forth between then whenever I have a situation come up that forces me to eat earlier in the daytime. It just helps with damage control. Eatstopeat has a bunch of scientific references and studies about how fasting for short periods has no negative effect on metabolism, but other than that you don't really need to read it. IMO the eatstopeat blog (located on the bottom of the ESE page) gives you more than enough information to do it, almost just as much info as is in the book. Both diets are just an Intermittent Fasting schedule, it's just that Fast5 is free and will work by itself and even work better when combined with common sense. Hope that helped.

--- In fast5@yahoogroups. com, "cassie luu" <cdluu@...> wrote:
> hi everyone,
> i'm so excited about trying out fast-5! i've fasted in the past, so i don't think discipline will be an issue for me. my problem though, was that i multi-day fasted (the longest i went was 10 days), and binge ate everything in sight once i was done. as you can guess, i gained all the weight (and then some) back.
> ever since then, i've been afraid to fast for fear of reverting back to my seesaw weight loss/gain. but i never forgot how great and empowered i felt while on the fast. i've always wished there was a way to fast but not seesaw. that's how i came upon fast-5.
> but while doing my research, i also came upon eatstopeat. which led me to ask the following questions:
> 1. what is the difference between fast-5 and eatstopeat?
> 2. are the eating/fasting plans similar/slightly/ moderately/ vastly different?
> 3. will one program work better for a particular person more than the other?
> i would appreciate anyone familiar with both programs who can help answer these questions for me. thanks a bunch!

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