Friday, May 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Regarding auras

Hi Tim,

When you are out is there any way you can put a sign on your person
that if you become unconscious -- please don't send you to the

Do you have another person who can be called? I have my daughters
phone numbers in my medical alert. Could you carry a paper on your
shirt so that you aren't taken to the hospital.

I know what you mean that you can't answer after a sz. In fact
it sounds like you are having grand mals . With complex partials
I don't become unconscious like I did with GM - but also my
daughters tell me my brain is scrambled for a day or 2.



> Carolyn Burby,
> None of the complex partial seizures since '74, have an aura of any type.
> In around 95%, I'm almost instantly unconscious and I loose muscle
> controll, if standing I'd fall, if sitting I drop anything I'm holding
> onto my lap. If I'm at home where I live alone and there's nobody to
> witness it and if I'm not injured in the fall or if not holding a drink or
> food to have been spilled all over me I won't ever recall that it
> happened. I wish I had auras so I'd be able to count them into my list of
> seizures that month, but I can only count the ones that I'm aware of. If
> out in public, alot of times I've been standing at a bus stop (I quit
> driving in '98, I wrecked too many cars), I'd just drop down onto the
> ground, and a driver would see and call for an ambulance, either police or
> paramedic would be there as I become conscious and if its a cop he
> just ask a few questions, too see if its alcohol or drug indused  if not
> it's OK. If paramedic much
> worst, only once did one notice my Medic Alert. They always say, " You
> had a seizure, Get in the ambulance"  almost never do they never ask, Do
> you have Diabetes?, and if I said Yes then it is an emergency. Since I'd
> answer, No, next they should ask, Do you have epilepsy?  and after a Yes
> is answered, it's not very likely to be an emergeny. But since intantly
> after being unconscious and in the post-ictal period where using memory
> is very hard, where I'm  able to say yes or no, it's not very likely that
> I'd be able to tell them anything that would prevent me from being taken
> to a hospital only to be sent bills from the hospital, the physician and
> the fire department (for ambo. service). There is no cost for the
> ambulance unless they take you to the hospital, its of no cost to you to
> you with a seizure, but; don't take you to
> hospital.                         
> Tim Baldwin  < >
> --- On Wed, 4/29/09, Carolyn Burby <> wrote:
> From: Carolyn Burby <>
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Regarding auras
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 10:57 PM
> Millie,
> I have never had a seizure after I feel this way.  I It is just the
> strange nervousness and then it is finished, unless I don't remember. But
> I do feel normal again.
> Any other ideas let me know.
> Thanks,
> Carolyn
> --- On Thu, 4/23/09, <> wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Regarding auras
> To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009, 4:58 AM
> Carolyn,
> Do you have a sz after this? What kind?
> Millie
>> I was writing to find out about the auras. A type I have sounds strange.
>> I
>> sometimes get afraid of things and can't look at them. I have to cover
>> my
>> eyes because everything scares me. Is this an aura. I never thought it
>> would be considered one.
>> I know this sounds crazy
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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