Friday, May 1, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Re: Taking more than one medication


I'm glad you found something that works for you.

Was it the same Dr. that put you on 13 meds at a time? I can
see where that would really do crazy things to your body.


> In the past, when I could take medication and did take it - my doctors had
> the tendency to add one drug after another until I was on many things at
> once.
> I was often on seven meds at the same time, and once when really sick with
> multiple issues, I had a grand total of thirteen medications.
> Now I am allergic to any type of drug or synthetic chemical to the point
> of risking fatal reactions to anything, so I haven't been able to take
> drugs for about thirteen years for anything.
> What I have been told by my doctor is that my liver and immune system just
> couldn't take years of all these medications, or process them. And now the
> allergies are so severe that I am afraid to ever end up in the hospital or
> an emergency situation where something might be given to me. I'm also
> allergic to corn now, which is in every medication and iv meds too.
> I don't think all doctors think of the long term affect of these drugs.
> They are chemicals, and strong substances that our bodies have to deal
> with.
> I am finding relief and help with herbal medicine especially and at least
> for me I don't have the side effects with them. It's taken years of study
> to figure out how best to treat everything without using drugs and turning
> to alternatives, but I am managing it.
> I think obviously, that the least amount of medication one can
> use........the better.
> Love,
> jnanda

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