Friday, May 29, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] question

Yes, I have tempole lobe and complex seizures.  It effects my eye's as when I have one I can not see at all or my vision is blurry.  I have really bad headacks.  My dr. has me on carbitral, lamental, and topamax.  When I was young I was to be on dilintan and phinabarbatal.  A lot of times I do not know what I am talking about when I have one.  I get a weird feeling like I am seeing things really far way and I can not see anything up close.  Things up close even seem far away.  Sometimes the after affects last all day.  It is an aufle feeling.  Buythe way, does anyone have a problem  with getting there meds, you know money. paying for them.                                                                                      Nan

From: Jewl Wall <>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 7:31:13 PM
Subject: RE: [epilepsy] question


does anyone else here have temporal lobe epilepsy? I'm having a difficult
time finding support for this. Cynthia

I found this reference form CA maybe you could join and try doing this as
<blocked::http://www.epilepsy .com/node/ 973236>

Jewl, TX

Information on Seizure Response/Alert Dogs

<blocked::blocked: :> MsJewl.html

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