My Neuro called in Tegretol.
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> music can cause sz it depends on which part of the brain is affected. My EP is not grand mal--it is SPS simple partial shaking spells. Its different from other kinds of EP because I remember the sz and know its happening but cant stop it. Doers any one else on this list have that kind of ep? Corinna
> --- On Thu, 4/30/09, pat040394 <ltpat228@..
> From: pat040394 <ltpat228@..
> Subject: [epilepsy] Psychomotor EP?
> To: epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 10:31 PM
> Saw my Neurologist this afternoon for my follow up explaining how just before I left for her visit I was playing a CD on my computer and ya know how those skins on that Media Player come up with all the various wild colors and shapes, etc? Well my son and I were clicking thru them when this really cool psychedlic pattern came on and boy oh boy, it was like it snacthed and dragged me in to my PC!
> My son said to turn it off so I did, but I tell ya - had I continued to watch this almosty strobe-like display of colossal colors, I can only imagine what'd happened.
> As most of you know, I haven't been officially diagnosed with EP yet altho my Neuro had written in her notes as well as told me she suspects absence and frontal lobe sxs.
> Today her notes say "psychomot Ep-not intract: uncontrolled - uncertain etiology."
> Wtf???
> Hahahaha.
> I looked it up and seems she's referring to temporal lobe epilepsy, i.e., TLE?
> She gave me an Rx for Trileptal but when I got to CVS, it was way too expensive [I am self pay] so they're gonna fax asking her for another med.
> Since I cannot afford the 24 hour EEG and both my EEGs were normnal, I imagine she's relying on my symptoms and episodes.
> I wonder because I filed for social security disability last year for other illnesses; and subsequently these seizures surfaced. So if indeed I do have EP, dangit, I want it written clearly so the SSA and my Attorneys can deciper thru the medical jargon - lol. Not only that, I really wanna know what's wrong with me and how to treat it!
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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