Friday, May 1, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: Depression

As far as depression goes, I was in mid 20s. It was a combination of the learning disability I always had but never told I had, till in my late 30s early 40s. Add that to loss of a few jobs that meant the world to me back in the late 70s. Add the epilepsy (starting 1975) and everything that came with epilepsy (smile). That put me into the worst years in my entire life! I was alone as far as people to talk with who could relate to me! I mean, in simple words, lets just say I'm amazed I lived through it (I was a wimp)!!! If back then, the technology of today was there as far as support groups on the internet like the EPILEPSY group. I wonder how I would have gone through my epilepsy beginning in 1975 when just out of high school. Till my current job which began back in 1987 (oh my gosh, 21 1/2 years)! Still, I didn't even realize of the group till maybe 2000 or so? One thing for sure is that we all are a tight knit family here who in so many ways can relate to each other! Take care, keep a smile on your face!


--- In, Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@...> wrote:
> Jnanda
> A dog can be a great theropy and help in so many ways. It is like another human being in the house with you.
> I am going to have to get myself another one. My sons dog I felt understood everything I said to him and vice
> versa. He would let me know when he was hungry, wanted out and if he didn't he would just shake his head with
> a little bark and it was ok.
> I would sometimes have the t.v. on even though not watching it just so would sound like someone in the house.
> Luv
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "jnanda" <jnanda@...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 9:37 AM
> Subject: [epilepsy] Re: Depression
> I have also dealt with severe depression in the past. It started in my late teens, and I ended up hospitalized
> many times for this through and into my adult years. I feel depression has been the most difficult of all
> symptoms, including chronic pain or loss of mobility.
> Fortunately it does not bother me as much in the more recent years, and I have also found a way to better cope
> with it when it comes up. I really feel looking back, that the depression was totally linked to the seizure
> disorder, and how the seizures would keep me in a foggy state afterwards for hours or a couple days, which
> really made me feel not like myself and depressed, and different. It seemed to go in waves, and certain times
> of year were worse, especially spring and fall.
> I recently started to feel some depression and just not knowing what to do with my life, so I got a new dog. I
> have had him for just two weeks, and it is helping so much. It gets me out of the house to walk him two or
> more times a day, and I feel more confident and it is getting my mind off of my body and recovery. There are
> many things I cannot do to keep myself busy. I can't drive, work, read, watch tv/movies or do a lot of
> socializinb because it is too stimulating. But I am enjoying the dog and our walks so much, and the
> companionship.
> I tried many drugs over the years prior to becoming allergic - for depression. I never had a lot of success
> with them, and again the side effects made me feel as bad or weird as the depression did. I have used since
> then, some supplements and especially homeopathy to help. The homeopathy can be really amazing for me to deal
> with all sorts of things. Most naturpathic doctors can help with natural alternatives including herbs,
> supplements and homeopathy to deal with depression.
> Good luck!
> Love,
> jnanda
> ------------------------------------
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> to them. This is especially important if you are on digest. This not only helps out the list owner but, it
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