Sunday, March 29, 2009

Re: [TheFloridaNPG] Re: [Prince-4ever] Jay Leno nite #2 (27 TV's)

No problem on the coke.
I just pour the poison..I dont drink it.
(well an occassional glass wine I will have. :)

You would of been more than welcomed
to watch with me! :)

It was too funny and set all the TV's to Prince! LoL
And watch him on all 27.
 I forgot to mention that all the chairs in the bar
are swivel.. so I could just spin around to
catch all screens and I did! LoL

Dont take much to thrill me!! LoL

Peace Love and Music,
judy :)

--- On Sat, 3/28/09, Lolita Harris <> wrote:
From: Lolita Harris <>
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] Re: [Prince-4ever] Jay Leno nite #2 (27 TV's)
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009, 8:07 PM

 we actually agree He was AWESOME in every way! eye would hav loved 2b in the bar with u even tho i dont drink (coke please) lol


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____________ _________ _________ __
From: judy c <judym319@yahoo. com>
To: TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2009 1:19:51 AM
Subject: Re: [TheFloridaNPG] Re: [Prince-4ever] Jay Leno nite #2 (27 TV's)

Again an awesome performance! !
He just looks good as ever
and I always love when he wails
on the guitar and especially the baby blue strat!! :)
Im a bartender and if the bar is not busy
on the week nights I can close at midnight.
Well we have 27's TV's  10 of them are big flat screens.
I locked the doors and put every TV on Jay Leno
and shortly before Prince came on I cranked the volume
on all of them!! That was too fun!!
I had 27 views of Prince playing!! LoL

Peace Love and Music,
judy :)

--- On Fri, 3/27/09, texaslrc <texaslrc@aol. com> wrote:

From: texaslrc <texaslrc@aol. com>
Subject: [TheFloridaNPG] Re: [Prince-4ever] Jay Leno nite #2
To: Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com, "The Bumpsquad" <thebumpsquad@ yahoogroups. com>
Cc: "Prince4-ever" <Prince-4ever@ yahoogroups. com>, "ChitownGeneration" <chitowngeneration@ yahoogroups. com>, "PurpleMusicMansion " <PurpleMusicMansion@ yahoogroups. com>, "ThePurpleUndergrou nd" <ThePurpleUndergroun d@yahoogroups. com>, "TrueFunkSoldiers" <Truefunksoldiers@ yahoogroups. com>, "FloridaNPG" <TheFloridaNPG@ yahoogroups. com>
Date: Friday, March 27, 2009, 12:43 AM

It was wonderful!  And no sunglasses!  He so good!  I am enjoying the new music.

In a message dated 03/26/09 23:41:54 Central Daylight Time, rhj716@yahoo. com writes:
Wassup everyone! I loved the Jimi Hendrix style jam....but yo did u notice Michael B back on drums!!!!!!! What did u all think about nite #2!!! Oh and I knew Prince would have someone retrieve his guitar! LMAO!!!

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