Sunday, March 1, 2009

Re: Re: [epilepsy] Congential brain defect


If you have a smaller than normal corpus collossum it is
considered digenisus meaning all the curcuitery is there and this is a
form of agenisus. Julia is classified in the digenisus category but
they still diagnosed her with aicardi syndrome anyway. I am not
saying that you have aicardi syndrome or any other syndrome. I am
just not sure you can blame your epilepsy on digenisus of the corpus
collossum because there are people who have the same type of
abnormality as you that don't have epilepsy.

Did you have seizures when you were 8 years old? How old were
you when you started having seizures does your mom remember?


On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 10:44 PM, Melissa Cannon <> wrote:
> Wendy, it is not tore, it is half the width it should be. I was diagnosed
> three years ago, but going by medical records the earliest documented one
> was at 8, 24 years ago. My records are not available prior to that and my
> mom does not remember.
> ----------
> Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email
> ------Original Message------
> From: Wendy Baur <>
> To: <>
> Date: Sat, Feb 28, 2009 09:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Congential brain defect
> Melisssa,
> There are a lot of syndromes that involve the corpus collosum and
> epilepsy and a lot of people that don't have epilepsy that are
> walking around with no corpus colossum, smaller than normal or even
> pieces missing. My daughter Julia 18 months has Aicardi Syndrome they
> diagnose it by agenisus of the corpus collossum, lacunae of the eye
> and infantile spasms. Fortunately we got rid of the infantile spasms
> but they were replaced with a multifocal seizure disorder and she
> still has 4 - 6 seizures a day (we're down from 10). There is a
> connection between the corpus collosum and epilepsy but, for this to
> be ture you would have had seizures as an infant / toddler. How old
> were you when your seizures started?
> Wendy
> On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 8:26 PM, Melissa Cannon <> wrote:
>> In trying to find a reason for 5 weeks of constant migrains, i found out i
>> have a brain defect. My corpus collosum, the band that connects the right
>> and left brain, is smaller than it should be. Found out this can cause EP.
>> Anyone know anything about this?
>> ----------
>> Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Mobile Email
>> ------Original Message------
>> From: Carla Mcdonald <>
>> To: <>
>> Date: Sat, Feb 28, 2009 02:34 PM
>> Subject: RE: [epilepsy] Trimming post
>> Millie, am I good or what?I could tell you were in the educational field.I
>> hope you have a nice week-end.......Carla
>> --- On Sat, 2/28/09, <> wrote:
>> From: <>
>> Subject: RE: [epilepsy] Trimming post
>> To:
>> Date: Saturday, February 28, 2009, 9:35 PM
>> Carla,
>> I am a teacher. I am in charge of the public computer in my
>> building. If the paper or ink are all, the computer isn't working
>> correctly, they have a problem, or they want to learn something new --
>> guess who gets called -- Me.
>> Millie
>>> Millie, I will give it a try..Do you you feel like a teacher? Thank you
>>> !!....Carla
>>> >
>>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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