Welcome to the group. I have complex partial seizures, which was from a head
injury when I was a baby. My EEG's are always abnormal from the damage the
accident I had from a fall down some steps. Sometimes they don't show where
the seizures are coming from. You might need to get a specialist, if you
family doctor can't pinpoint the exact trouble. I hope the tests give you
both the answers you are looking for.There are many things that could have
caused the seizure. There is plenty of information here to learn. I have
learned a lot here. If you need anything, write anytime. Take care.
On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Jill Gunzel <gunzel@cox.net> wrote:
> Dear Group,
> It was so interesting to read someone's post about EEG results not
> really showing anything (unless something happened to be going on
> during the test).
> I'm new to the group. My husband (57 yrs old, otherwise extremely
> healthy)) had a first time seizure, March 10. So far, the CT scan
> was clear, the blood test showed a definite tonic/clonic seizure
> (high CO2), he's been sore for almost 3 weeks (back xray showed no
> break), MRI showed a bright signal in the T2 area (so we'll retake it
> in April), and the EEG is next week. His blood tests showed kidney
> functions were way off a few days after the seizure. And he managed
> to get two vein infections from the IV's (from the ambulance and also
> from the dye with the MRI...he had an infection last year from the IV
> for a colonoscopy. Not sure why he's so prone to those.)
> The MRI report was slightly scary, because they gave those
> speculations on why there was a bright signal. I wish I hadn't
> looked up the terms they used (demylinating process, which is MS, and
> low grade neoplasm...which could be an early stage of a nasty
> tumor). But it was only "possibilities"
> comment was, "They don't have a clue!" And I figure neither of those
> possibilities were big enough to have caused the seizure....so I"m
> trying to convince myself it was either always that way, or a result
> of the seizure, which was listed as another less likely possibility.
> The morning of the seizure, he was sitting at his computer and just
> keeled over onto the floor with the seizure. He'd been extremely
> constipate (like for a week), had taken 2 Exlax the night before and
> 2 that morning, and had just had a major dump. He was also taking
> cold meds for a nasty cold, and he'd had a lot of coffee. So, if
> electrolyte imbalance and/or viruses can be the cause....I'd like to
> think that was enough to be the case.
> For now, we're waiting for the EEG, the next MRI, the bloodtests to
> confirm kidneys are back....and an okay to start driving again. If
> any of you have a different take on this, I'd be very interested in
> hearing from you.
> Best wishes to all,
> Jill
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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