Saturday, March 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] med or surgey

Hi! I have had epilepsy since I was a baby. I had surgery on my left
temporal lobe a few years ago. I went through all the medicine and it would
not control the seizures I was having.I was seizure free for awhile, but the
seizures came back. I am glad I had the surgery even though they did come
back, they are not near as bad or as many. It might be something to think
about. A lot of people has had it done and got their seizures stopped. My
neurologist is going to do some more tests to see if the seizures are coming
from anywhere else in about a month or so.If it cuts the number of seizures
down, that might be a help for you, it was for me.I hope you decide what is
best for you. Take care and if you need anything, write anytime.


On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 5:28 PM, healinghands1997 <> wrote:

> Hello to everyone,
> I have had epilpsy my hole life and at point in my life it just comes out
> but then it would get better or I just leared to deal with it becouse every
> time I tryed the drug it got bad again there has been time I went back an
> them and the same thing happened.
> I stayed off for about three years and my epilepsy is back again.
> I found out that it is R T L and this time I have found out that I don't
> respond to drug and is their anyonehow know about have the temple removed or
> the hippacampis lubetie surgey?

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