Saturday, March 28, 2009

Re: [epilepsy] Grand mal seizures (Annette)

  Hi Mark:  Thanks for the reply.Gee I never knew that. It was weird I too grabbed  the table that has my computer  on   and lifted it up~!!  and it has alot of stuff on it, ~!  (it didn't seem very long  few seconds) Oh, How relieved I feel thanks so vey much.  now I know ~!!   ~~Annette~~

From: Mark <>
Subject: [epilepsy] Grand mal seizures (Annette)
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009, 2:02 PM


No, I don't think it only happens when you fall to the floor. I have had one standing up before. I was helping dad move some cattle around and he said that I grabbed onto a gate, and by the time he pried my hand off and got me to the ground the seizure was about over.


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