Live Reports From Prince Shows
Status update… Dr.FB is at..the Prince shows.
Wondering if I should do a live report for you all?
What you think? Just post it in here n you guys can come back n check? Cool?
No cell reception in conga but we will work something out.
Magic Johnson and Rick Fox just got a cheer from the crowd walking to their seats? Me? No cheer yet.
Chocolate box video being shown now n then Prince is gonna rock the sox off of LA.
Band; josh dunham, C. C. Dunham, Morris Hayes, Shelby, Elisa F, other female singers name eludes me now, coolest harmonica player in the land, and the guitarist from mpls named Prince.
P rain intro
Ol skool company he killed it. Black n white print outfit
(Yes Prince you are in hollywood.)
Checking the drum sound
Crinsom n Clover,
I Feel 4 U,
Controversy n the place just went NUTS!!,(7000 plus jumpin up n down),
If I Was Ure Girlfriend (my jam n harmonica adds to it),
calls out many hits but chooses….Kiss.( Crowd goes wild n that's why he still plays it. ),
Play that funky music white boy with audience member,
Hollywood Swingin',(Prince says music unites us all), (restin my feet, I got two more shows to report for you n you got an extra seat right next to me)
Harmonica interlude,
Prince talks,
come together,
purple rain (in diff key).
let's go crazy,
the bird,
jungle love,
glamorous life w. Sheila E.
Conga room next
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