--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Seems they are different for each of us. I take lamitcal for years now. I works for me. Wont say haven't had any but it has helped me.
> I am back at work. I can drive. of course we never forget that in one day that can all change and I could start having them frequently again.
> I had to have a hysterectomy about the same time I started lamitcal I always had seizures and
> bad ones around that "time of the month" So that also helped I am sure.
> I am a L.P.N. and now Hubby and i have decided for me to try to get my R.N.online . take my time and just try. Even if studies takes a few years. I always even as a child that I am not so smart. Killed to many brain cells I guess. My husband says that I am smarter than I think I am. But being treated like I was mentally challenged as a child didn't help I'm sure. No one explained to me anything about seizures and My childhood is a lifetime movie for sure.
> So I will try a subject at a time. I need some encouragement please.
> Marie
hello Marie
I have to say thank you for be hear what you said helped me>
I have the the same prablom with the women thing and it happenes twice a month I have say for years that I need a hysterecctomy but have not.dr.s told me that it wasn"t apart of it but I don't belive them, you just help me. I'm a stong beliverthat we can do any thing we put our mind to and if we make the efert to do it the help will come and there is a way of going to school and getting what we wantmind over matter and when you want somethng you go after it and get it your not stuped and everone that told you that where wrong.
tell your self you can do it and that you are smart and lision to your husband he is right I was told by a man stick with the winner and the winner are the one that support you not tair you down!!
I hated school and it come hard but I had some that told me I was going back and I did,I could of been a nurse or massage theripst
I"m a licend massage theripst and it was hard but I did it and I"M going into my 10 year so you go girl,the hardest thing in life that we work for and get thuw are the best thing in life becouse we did it and not quit that bilds or self esteam and all of us need that.

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