Hi Melissa,
Its great that you have joined the group (smile)! You are among so many friends who can relate to you here! Melissa, I had a LTL coming on 2 1/2 years ago, been seizure free since then. You can see my surgery pictures under photo's in the group here. I'm staying on my meds 100% my choice. Remember that 1 out of 4 people with epilepsy can't get their seizures under control with the help of meds. I've had epilepsy for 32 1/2 years now. Almost all that time my seizures couldn't stay under control. And like I said, I've been seizure free coming on 2 1/2 years now (big smile)! Melissa, you are among friends here, believe me! Say and ask us anything, so many of us can relate to each other besides just seizures! Also, in so many ways we can use your support here also! Again, welcome to the group Melissa! Take care, keep a smile on your face!
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroup
> Hello to everyone,
> I have had epilpsy my hole life and at point in my life it just comes out but then it would get better or I just leared to deal with it becouse every time I tryed the drug it got bad again there has been time I went back an them and the same thing happened.
> I stayed off for about three years and my epilepsy is back again.
> I found out that it is R T L and this time I have found out that I don't respond to drug and is their anyonehow know about have the temple removed or the hippacampis lubetie surgey?

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