Sunday, March 29, 2009

[epilepsy] Re: EEG Result, seizure newbie

Dear Tammy,
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Understandably, my husband
and I have a whole new empathy with those of you who have dealt with
this your whole life. Thanks SO much for being there and being
willing to help others!
Our family doctor is wonderful for one reason....he sends us to
specialists, FAST! We saw a neuro within 4 days of having the
seizure. No time wasted! We also had an MRI that same morning we
saw the doctor. So, I think we're in good hands.
The EEG will be Wednesday and they'll retake the MRI in
mid-April. We're actually hoping nothing will show up. I like the
idea it might be one of those "fluke" onetime seizures. I'm
practicing what I call "a healthy case of denial". Until they tell
me it's ongoing and we have reason to expect more...I'll keep hoping
it's a fluke. :)
If it's guys are gonna see a LOT of me!!! And my husband, too! :)
Thanks so much,

Tammy wrote:
Welcome to the group. I have complex partial seizures, which was from a head
injury when I was a baby. My EEG's are always abnormal from the damage the
accident I had from a fall down some steps. Sometimes they don't show where
the seizures are coming from. You might need to get a specialist, if you
family doctor can't pinpoint the exact trouble. I hope the tests give you
both the answers you are looking for.There are many things that could have
caused the seizure. There is plenty of information here to learn. I have
learned a lot here. If you need anything, write anytime. Take care.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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