Dear Group,
It was so interesting to read someone's post about EEG results not
really showing anything (unless something happened to be going on
during the test).
I'm new to the group. My husband (57 yrs old, otherwise extremely
healthy)) had a first time seizure, March 10. So far, the CT scan
was clear, the blood test showed a definite tonic/clonic seizure
(high CO2), he's been sore for almost 3 weeks (back xray showed no
break), MRI showed a bright signal in the T2 area (so we'll retake it
in April), and the EEG is next week. His blood tests showed kidney
functions were way off a few days after the seizure. And he managed
to get two vein infections from the IV's (from the ambulance and also
from the dye with the MRI...he had an infection last year from the IV
for a colonoscopy. Not sure why he's so prone to those.)
The MRI report was slightly scary, because they gave those
speculations on why there was a bright signal. I wish I hadn't
looked up the terms they used (demylinating process, which is MS, and
low grade neoplasm...which could be an early stage of a nasty
tumor). But it was only "possibilities"
comment was, "They don't have a clue!" And I figure neither of those
possibilities were big enough to have caused the I"m
trying to convince myself it was either always that way, or a result
of the seizure, which was listed as another less likely possibility.
The morning of the seizure, he was sitting at his computer and just
keeled over onto the floor with the seizure. He'd been extremely
constipate (like for a week), had taken 2 Exlax the night before and
2 that morning, and had just had a major dump. He was also taking
cold meds for a nasty cold, and he'd had a lot of coffee. So, if
electrolyte imbalance and/or viruses can be the cause....I'd like to
think that was enough to be the case.
For now, we're waiting for the EEG, the next MRI, the bloodtests to
confirm kidneys are back....and an okay to start driving again. If
any of you have a different take on this, I'd be very interested in
hearing from you.
Best wishes to all,

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