Saturday, March 28, 2009

[epilepsy] Ever Have a Blood Test Lost?

I was ordered on meds in January. I was instructed to come back in late March to have my blood levels checked. I called the office on 3/21 and there was no order on record. The doctor signed orders on Wednesday and I went in on Friday 3/20.

I followed up Tuesday 3/24, and the test could not be found right away. I gave my cell for call back. I did not hear anything so I called back Thursday, 26. test found. I was then told it may have been sent to the doctors other office, so I called there. They had no record and did not think it would have been sent there, but would check. Again, left my cell phone for call back. No call from either office on Friday. I am going to make a point of it on Monday and make sure I escalate this to the duty nurse, but please....the lack of follow-up does not make me me feel better.

I went to another doctor last month for a second opinion. He concurred with my current doctor and said that he was a colleague at another practice and I was in good hands. I really did like him more though becuase of his bedsire manners. I also had a list of quesitons that I brought and he answered them all.

I am really thinking of switching over to the other doctor. This is my health and I really do not want to have tests being missed and then not getting an answer on why.

What does the rest of the group think?

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