Sunday, March 1, 2009

[epilepsy] Amazing & unbelieveable

It seems like I must had hit a silent nerve when the topic of faith and God was a hot issue. How any person who thinks it is not right to chat over faith and why God lets things like this happen to innocent people, these people must not have a consience unless it is seared. I never thought that the devil could actually have power in a group, but some here proved me that he does. " the subject says it all".  I hope what ever I have posted helped many people here who are suffering with seizures. Why God makes us suffer with these trials, only he knows. In the future, to those I helped, be carefull who you listen to. I will no longer post anything in here as I decided to not be part of a group that cannot be open minded in real life issues other than the problems. You who believed in what I suggested, I know who you are even if was only a few. We are the selected few who God will bless in his time. May God bless all of you in his own way.  Goodbye 
psalm 32 vs 8 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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