Monday, April 8, 2013

Re: [epilepsy] Epilepsy Poem


Jewl and Gail,

Thanks for sharing that poem with us..


----- Original Message -----
From: Jewl
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2013 11:04 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Epilepsy Poem


Society has given me a label,
Of which I can not agree.
They have labeled me disabled
Because I have epilepsy.

They do not look beyond the seizures,
They are afraid of what they see.
So, now it is up to you and me
To educate the public about epilepsy.

If they would look beyond my limitations,
They would be quite surprised to see
That there's a person behind the seizures
Just waiting to be set free.

O what joy awaits the epileptic,
When they hear the doctor say:
"Your seizures are under control
You can reapply for your drivers
License today."

So, let's educate the public about epilepsy,
Then maybe they will begin to understand
What we have to go through every day.
Then if they see us have a seizure, they won't
Turn their head the other way.

By: Gail Parks

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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