Sunday, May 2, 2010

[fast5] Re: How do you know...


You're absolutely right. People don't like change, which is bizarre for me because I LOVE change. I've actually started people at work arguing with each other by just making my tea in the kitchen. I was standing in the kitchen at work one day and two people began commenting on how thin I am now. One person thought I was too thin, the other thought I looked healthy. They started arguing about whether I looked better now or before. It started getting heated and I just sort of took my tea and slinked out. I could still hear them arguing from down the hall.

My take is that people are frustrated at their lack of success when they follow the food pyramid and eat 4-6 times a day and run on treadmills 6 days a week and have little success. When I say I eat once a day, it doesn't make sense to them and contradicts what they understand as "truth". So what I'm doing must be "unhealthy".

You're right again Heather, people DO actively try to discourage what they don't understand. I know they have good intentions. But I've sent the Fast-5 e-book to countless people and I still don't know anyone else who is on it. The number one thing I hear people say is that they could "NEVER eat like that". And now that I've lost my weight, people are already saying, "Oh that's just Rick. He has a really good metabolism." Or "Well, Rick's just got more discipline than me." All these excuses are convenient and just make it easy to keep doing what they've been taught to do. The mind is SO powerful, I only wish they knew.

The Tireless Tirader

--- In, Heather Twist <HeatherTwist@...> wrote:
> Oh, that is a big deal. One of the "issues" with weight loss is that people
> will *act different*. Some people will actively discourage you, or at
> least be a little upset. This is normal for any life change, but esp.
> diet issues, for some reason. Human beings DO NOT LIKE change.
> Even when it is a change for the better.

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