Sunday, June 3, 2012

RE: [epilepsy] Re: FW: [OCepilepsy] Which pain reliever to use??


Mark, thanks! She is 10 and drinks Kangen Ionized water which really has
helped cut her seizure numbers and improved her overall health. It was weird
it came out of nowhere and did seem like it was really hurting her. migraine
like. Knowing she never gets headaches and that she is properly hydrated was
really concerning us. We gave her her evening Epi meds hoping they would
help but didn't.

I have learned a lot from all replies and calling the nurse line of our

Opinions seem to go both ways regarding Ibuprofen vs. Acetominaphane (?). We
ended up giving her Tylenol w/ no negative effects and it worked.

Someone posted about either being ok but to avoid Sudafed based things for
colds and I think that was what was in the back of my mind that caused my
concern!! I have now made a note regarding Sudafed on our med cabinet
door. We just rarely ever get colds but now we are ready in case.


From: [] On Behalf
Of Mark S
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 8:26 PM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: FW: [OCepilepsy] Which pain reliever to use??

I haven't posted in a while (just been lurking in the background) but I have
a question. Is she staying hydrated? In my case, I've figured out that
dehydration is a trigger for my seizures. The first thing that happens is I
start to get an almost migraine-like headache. When I start feeling it, I
get something to drink and usually that relieves it. If I end up with a bad
headache anyway, I take a couple of aspirin and hope that helps. If I'm at
home, I might go in my room and lay down for a while.

Mark S.

--- In <> , "Aina
& Pat DeLorenzo" <aina-pat@...> wrote:
> Hi I need to know which over the counter pain med to use for a headache. I
> know certain ones are no good for those with Epi. She seems to have a bad
> headache, which is rare. Thanx
> Pat D
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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