I ache for you! Some weeks are super cruddy and this one
sure was for you. Accept my condolence on your aunt's death. This
type of hard thing makes you ache. Time will be a help and I
hope the right time for you comes super soon. When I lived in
NJ, as a teenager, I had my first seizure which resulted in an
auto accident too. I lost my license and just took it as part
of things and did ok without it. I moved to Manhattan where
I could work and also did not need a car for transporation but
could not afford to do this long. So I moved nearby to a
spot in Bergen County, NJ from which I could take the bus to
GW and then a subway to get to office. About 6 years later,
I got married and have not worked a day since then. I had
many different interesting experiences which I know since you
go through this too, you would surely understand. Just want
you to know so many of us are all together. Wish we could
all meet for a cup of something! (kidding for sure!) Take care.
--- In, "Mark S" <riverat462@...> wrote:
> Just recently, I have had several things happen to me - one right after another. First off, I had a minor accident at work (no one was hurt). The Sunday before that my aunt died, so I had to go to the funeral home the same day of the accident. The funeral was the next day, with a dinner following the burial. When I got home that afternoon (and this made me mad), I laid down on the couch to take a nap and had a seizure, therefore, I'm not supposed to drive for six months. On top of that, because of the accident at work, I'm not supposed to drive any motorized vehicle there either. Forgive my language, but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing. The past couple years have been a big rollercoaster for me, so I'm in counseling for it.
> On another note, about the heat, I work at a place where they make livestock feed, and the building isn't climate-controlled. So, the heat is a factor, and I take a gallon thermos of water to work. Even then, I have had to refill it before the day is through. I get headaches if I don't keep myself well-hydrated.
> Mark S.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
[epilepsy] Re: A lot of things going on...
[epilepsy] Re: A lot of things going on...
I live in MO. Fortunately, concerts don't bother me much, but I can't stand high-pitched squeals. They're not a seizure trigger; they just make me want to tear apart what's making the squeal or run the other way.
Mark S.
--- In, Susan Wain <susan.wain@...> wrote:
> Hi Mark.....where do u live? I live in NJ and...for us...ITS A YEAR after one seizure. They withheld my license for more than 2 yrs! as they said that I had other cognitive issues as I apparently failed a neuro psych test as apparently I was seeing bats in all of the ink blots! LOL Anyhoot...I fought! Have your doctor write a note after six months to say that you knwo when U have seizures; ie., I have seizuers if I have too much stress in one day, am too tired or don't eat every few hours. Unfort...I also have seizures if I go to concerts (I LOVE Jon Bon Jovi) but can't go to any concerts or be near alot of noise INLAWS....LOL Be thankful that you have all of us to share and experience w/you.......U can email me if U want to talk as I have so been there done that!Â
> ________________________________
> From: Mark S <riverat462@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 12:43 AM
> Subject: [epilepsy] A lot of things going on...
> Â
> Just recently, I have had several things happen to me - one right after another. First off, I had a minor accident at work (no one was hurt). The Sunday before that my aunt died, so I had to go to the funeral home the same day of the accident. The funeral was the next day, with a dinner following the burial. When I got home that afternoon (and this made me mad), I laid down on the couch to take a nap and had a seizure, therefore, I'm not supposed to drive for six months. On top of that, because of the accident at work, I'm not supposed to drive any motorized vehicle there either. Forgive my language, but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing. The past couple years have been a big rollercoaster for me, so I'm in counseling for it.
> On another note, about the heat, I work at a place where they make livestock feed, and the building isn't climate-controlled. So, the heat is a factor, and I take a gallon thermos of water to work. Even then, I have had to refill it before the day is through. I get headaches if I don't keep myself well-hydrated.
> Mark S.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
Crohns I had for 14 yrs. I suffered for five years till I had a Ilio. done. So I had my large intestin taken out and colon. I only had 1 in. . left. My case was caused due to wrong medication. So i go though tons and I mean tons of Baby flushable whipes too.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
really?????? how long have U had Crohns? I had five feet of intestines and bowel removed when I was in Hs. the worst part is not having pork or corn and having a years supply of bby wipes on hand at all times.
To: "" <>
Cc: Marty R <>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
I Have crones also and seizures. I stay out of the hot weather and stay hydrated indoors. I don't go out at all keeping cool.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
I Have crones also and seizures. I stay out of the hot weather and stay hydrated indoors. I don't go out at all keeping cool.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
Ever since I was diagnosed with Crohns at age 14, hot/humid weather lands me in the bathroom all day long, even if I don't eat or drink anything. Because of that and the seizure factor, I stay indoors and only go out if necessary but I do not spend too much time in a car or outside and....I eat plenty of Ritas water ice!
From: Andy Swarbrick <>
Sent: Friday, June 29, 2012 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: Hot weather
When we moved into this house one advantage was that it had one room
that was warm & light, which is great for colder days. For hotter
days we have another room that is dark and cool. I know not everyone
can easily move home, but if you do then such a feature can be a great
relief to anyone who suffers from too much heat.
Andy - Fighting SUDEP. Donate Now:
On 29 June 2012 20:11, MARTIN ROSE <> wrote:
> The heat does get me down a little. My meds. make me burn very badly and then headacjes too.
> marty
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to clean up messages when you reply to them. This is especially important if you are on digest. This not only helps out the list owner but, it makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] A lot of things going on...
I'm sorry to hear about the problems you have had. I hope things get better for you soon!
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 29, 2012, at 11:43 PM, "Mark S" <> wrote:
> Just recently, I have had several things happen to me - one right after another. First off, I had a minor accident at work (no one was hurt). The Sunday before that my aunt died, so I had to go to the funeral home the same day of the accident. The funeral was the next day, with a dinner following the burial. When I got home that afternoon (and this made me mad), I laid down on the couch to take a nap and had a seizure, therefore, I'm not supposed to drive for six months. On top of that, because of the accident at work, I'm not supposed to drive any motorized vehicle there either. Forgive my language, but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing. The past couple years have been a big rollercoaster for me, so I'm in counseling for it.
> On another note, about the heat, I work at a place where they make livestock feed, and the building isn't climate-controlled. So, the heat is a factor, and I take a gallon thermos of water to work. Even then, I have had to refill it before the day is through. I get headaches if I don't keep myself well-hydrated.
> Mark S.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: FW: [Autism, Epilepsy and Brain Wellness] Hate to talk Politics but this new Obamacare...
I agree, Mark! I also believe that each party will push for more extremes on the issues they stand for/against. I believe the actual outcome will be somewhere in the middle.
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 29, 2012, at 11:26 PM, "Mark S" <> wrote:
> I just wanted to make an observation about this discussion. Personally, I'm not too impressed with "Obamacare", but that's beside the point. I've noticed that this discussion about politics has been a mutual exchange of ideas and opinions and hasn't escalated into a shouting match. It's very refeshing to see the respectful way in which this conversation is taking shape.
> Mark S.
> --- In, elizabeth <equinn76@...> wrote:
> >
> > True,
> >
> > One has to buy your own insurance-we have the same requirement in MA. Unfortunately, no one was willing to give healthcare to everyone (like Medicare from birth). But even in other countries, it's not free-you pay higher taxes for it.
> >
> > The law does provide subsidies for people to buy insurance if you make under a certain income. So yes, in MA some people do go without if it's cheaper. But we all end up paying for it when someone goes through the ER without insurance.
> >
> > Yes, Medicare does charge really low rates. Unfortunately we've let this happen. But if people realized how much care they receive for only $96/mo they would love Medicare more.
> >
> > $400/mo is worth it for me-my neurologist alone charges over $200. And my pills without insurance would be unaffordable.
> >
> > Hate the law/love it, but it is positive.
> >
> > Elizabeth
> >
> > Sent from Samsung mobile
> >
> > Kelly Porter <race_12_1@...> wrote:
> >
> > >If the "positives" are going to be listed, so should the negatives.
> > >
> > >This law does not "give away" health insurance. It mandates you BUY it,
> > >that's right BUY it. You will pay for insurance or pay a tax to the
> > >government for not getting it. Everyone who doesn't have insurance now
> > >will have to pay one or the other. Nothing in it gives you fee
> > >insurance or healthcare.
> > >
> > >Also, the fine is much less then insurance will cost, which means many
> > >who don't have insurance still won't buy it. That means the group most
> > >in need of insurance still won't have it because they won't be able to
> > >pay for it.
> > >
> > >Most of those "positives" you listed could be made law WITHOUT most of
> > >the other stuff in this law. For example, mandating insurance purchase,
> > >creating giant government backed insurance cooperatives, or creating
> > >another governmental bureaucratic nightmare.
> > >
> > >Again, this law does not give anyone health insurance, it requires you
> > >BUY it. Again, the things you listed, such as pre existing condition
> > >laws, no co pay preventive care, and medicare changes, do not require
> > >the rest of the law to put into place.
> > >
> > >Also, the preexisting condition clause will become a nightmare. If you
> > >are paying $400 a month for insurance, and you don't have to in order to
> > >get covered later if you get sick, why would most people do it? Far too
> > >many people will say "I'm healthy, young, and would rather pay to see
> > >the dr. once or twice a year." Then, fit hey get really sick, they will
> > >just sign up for insurance, and it will be paid for. Insurance isn't
> > >something you get WHEN you need it, but before you need it. It is
> > >designed to protect you when something does happen. It is no longer
> > >insurance if you don't have to buy until you already need it.
> > >
> > >The law is full of garbage with a few positives sprinkled in to make
> > >people "feel good" about the law. It's still garbage no matter how it
> > >smells.
> > >
> > >Lastly, the single biggest reason health care costs int he country are
> > >so high is because healthcare provider must over charge private
> > >insurance companies for services to make up for the losses they suffer
> > >by treating medicare patients. That's right, medicare pays such a low
> > >amount to providers that they have to jack up what the "normal and
> > >customary charges" would be to recoup that. The best way to decrease
> > >costs would be if the government actually paid providers enough!
> > >
> > >Kelly
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> On Jun 29, 2012, at 2:04 PM, "Elizabeth Quinn" <equinn76@...
> > >> <>> wrote:
> > >>
> > >> > As someone who works in healthcare, and deals with Medicare/Medicaid
> > >> daily, here is why everyone should be happy that healthcare reform was
> > >> upheld:
> > >> >
> > >> > 1) People with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied
> > >> coverage beginning 2014--children cannot be denied already
> > >> >
> > >> > 2) Seniors with Medicare Part D receive lower prescription costs
> > >> when they go into the donut hole--it will be essentially closed in
> > >> 2020 (yeah, that's far away)
> > >> >
> > >> > 3) More people joining the insurance pool lower costs for
> > >> everyone--this will add healthy people to even the cost
> > >> >
> > >> > 4) the PCIP plan is already up and running
> > >> >
> > >> > 5) If your insurance company spends less than 80% on your
> > >> healthcare, they owe you a rebate
> > >> >
> > >> > 6) Preventive services!! Have you gone to see your PCP in the last
> > >> year for a check-up? It was free, right? Thanks healthcare reform. If
> > >> you're not on Medicare yet, you may not know that they are receiving a
> > >> lot of free preventive care now--colonoscopies, PCP visits,
> > >> mammograms, etc...
> > >> >
> > >> > 7) If you're in a Medicare advantage plan, they lowered the
> > >> percentage they can charge Medicare to operate--it used to be 14% on
> > >> average, now it's down to 11%, which saves the consumer money in their
> > >> premiums.
> > >> >
> > >> > 8) Expansion of Medicaid!! If States do not accept the expansion,
> > >> they will lose a boatload of money.
> > >> >
> > >> > There are a lot of other things that will start in 2014-but the
> > >> collection of money due to Medicare fraud has already begun. The law
> > >> will keep Medicare solvent, not take away from it. There are a lot of
> > >> other pieces to the law as well. If you want more information, the
> > >> Kaiser Family Foundation is a wealth of knowledge: .
> > >> >
> > >> > Please don't jump to conclusions about the law! It will benefit
> > >> everyone. For those of us with pre-existing conditions, it will
> > >> definitely help us. If you use your local community health center,
> > >> they are receiving more money due to the law.
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Confectioner's Sugar Substitute - 1.9g Carbs
Confectioner's Sugar Substitute - 1.9g Carbs
From: Splendid Low-Carb Desserts by national best selling cookbook author, Jennifer Eloff (
Note: This is an easier recipe than the one in my previous books.
This sugar substitute can be used in recipes such as Golden Fruitcake.
Makes: 4 cups
Serving Size: 1 Tbsp
2 1/4 cups SPLENDA Granular
1 1/3 cups whole milk powder*
2/3 cup vanilla whey protein
In large bowl, combine SPLENDA Granular, whole milk powder and vanilla whey protein.
*Skim milk powder may be used instead, however, blend finely in small
batches in blender first, before combining with remaining ingredients.
Whole milk powder may be found in Publix or Super Walmart in the Hispanic
food section.
Makes: 4 cups
Serving Size: 1 Tbsp
Nutrition per Serving:
19.7 Calories, 0.7g Fat, 1.4g Protein, 1.9g Carbs
Re: [epilepsy] A lot of things going on...
Hi Mark.....where do u live? I live in NJ and...for us...ITS A YEAR after one seizure. They withheld my license for more than 2 yrs! as they said that I had other cognitive issues as I apparently failed a neuro psych test as apparently I was seeing bats in all of the ink blots! LOL Anyhoot...I fought! Have your doctor write a note after six months to say that you knwo when U have seizures; ie., I have seizuers if I have too much stress in one day, am too tired or don't eat every few hours. Unfort...I also have seizures if I go to concerts (I LOVE Jon Bon Jovi) but can't go to any concerts or be near alot of noise INLAWS....LOL Be thankful that you have all of us to share and experience w/you.......U can email me if U want to talk as I have so been there done that!
From: Mark S <>
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2012 12:43 AM
Subject: [epilepsy] A lot of things going on...
Just recently, I have had several things happen to me - one right after another. First off, I had a minor accident at work (no one was hurt). The Sunday before that my aunt died, so I had to go to the funeral home the same day of the accident. The funeral was the next day, with a dinner following the burial. When I got home that afternoon (and this made me mad), I laid down on the couch to take a nap and had a seizure, therefore, I'm not supposed to drive for six months. On top of that, because of the accident at work, I'm not supposed to drive any motorized vehicle there either. Forgive my language, but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing. The past couple years have been a big rollercoaster for me, so I'm in counseling for it.
On another note, about the heat, I work at a place where they make livestock feed, and the building isn't climate-controlled. So, the heat is a factor, and I take a gallon thermos of water to work. Even then, I have had to refill it before the day is through. I get headaches if I don't keep myself well-hydrated.
Mark S.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[epilepsy] Re: FW: [Autism, Epilepsy and Brain Wellness] Hate to talk Politics but this new Obamacare...
This law does not "give away" health insurance. It mandates you BUY it, that's right BUY it. You will pay for insurance or pay a tax to the government for not getting it. Everyone who doesn't have insurance now will have to pay one or the other. Nothing in it gives you fee insurance or healthcare. Also, the fine is much less then insurance will cost, which means many who don't have insurance still won't buy it. Most of those "positives" you listed could be made law WITHOUT most of the other stuff in this law. Lastly, the single biggest reason health care costs int he country are so high is because healthcare provider must over charge private insurance companies for services to make up for the losses they suffer by treating medicare patients. That's right, medicare pays such a low amount to providers that they have to jack up what the "normal and customary charges" would be to recoup that. The best way to decrease costs would be if the government actually paid providers enough!
> >
Amen! I have been on lists for special needs kids for over a decade. There are parents from all over the world on these lists. The stories from families in the UK and other countries that have this kind of system give me nightmares. Even if you end up with some kind of government insurance God help you finding a doctor and hope you live to make the appointment. The UK just released a study on how many people die every year just waiting for care or denied care. And if you say oh we don't want to have something like that, you haven't read the details of the bill. I pray we all get the care we need.
[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Spanish-Spice-Rubbed Chicken - 5g Carbs, 2g Fiber
Spanish-Spice-Rubbed Chicken - 5g Carbs, 2g Fiber
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 15 min
Stand: 5 min
--> Parsley-Mint Sauce
1 1/2 cups fresh flat-leaf parsley
3/4 cup fresh mint
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 serrano chiles, grilled, peeled, seeded, and chopped
2 Tbsp honey
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 tsp kosher salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
--> Chicken
2 Tbsp Spanish paprika
1 1/2 tsp ground cumin
1 1/2 tsp dry mustard
1 1/2 tsp ground fennel seed
1 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
1/2 tsp kosher salt
4 (4-oz) skinless bone-in chicken breasts
1 Tbsp olive oil
Fresh mint sprigs for garnish (optional)
1. To make Parsley-Mint Sauce: Combine parsley, 3/4 cup mint, garlic, and chiles in a food processor; process until coarsely chopped. Add honey and mustard; process until combined. With processor on, slowly add olive oil.
2. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, and whisk in a few tablespoons cold water to thin the sauce. Stir in salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate up to 8 hours. Bring sauce to room temperature before serving.
3. To make chicken: Whisk together paprika, cumin, mustard, fennel, pepper, and salt in a bowl.
4. Prepare grill.
5. Brush chicken with olive oil. Coat top with 2 teaspoons spice rub; place on grill, rub side down. Grill over high heat 5–6 minutes or until golden brown and slightly charred. Turn breasts over, and cook for 6–7 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165°.
6. Transfer to a platter, and drizzle each breast with 1 tablespoon parsley-mint sauce. Tent with foil, and let rest for 5 minutes. Serve with additional sauce, and garnish with mint sprigs, if desired.
Servings: 4
Serving size: 1 chicken breast and 1 Tbsp sauce
Nutrition per Serving:
197 Calories, 11g Fat, 2g Saturated Fat, 7g Monounsaturated Fat, 2g Polyunsaturated Fat, 20g Protein, 5g Carbs, 2g Fiber, 51mg Cholesterol, 2mg Iron, 250mg Sodium, 50mg Calcium
Re: [epilepsy] Re: FW: [Autism, Epilepsy and Brain Wellness] Hate to talk Politics but this new Obamacare...
It's at times like these I am please to say I live in England. My
wife's Dad has developed dementia and had to be hospitalized recently
with resulting 24-hour care needs - all paid by our taxes. Leaving us
to concentrate on the emotional aspects.
Friday, June 29, 2012
[epilepsy] A lot of things going on...
Just recently, I have had several things happen to me - one right after another. First off, I had a minor accident at work (no one was hurt). The Sunday before that my aunt died, so I had to go to the funeral home the same day of the accident. The funeral was the next day, with a dinner following the burial. When I got home that afternoon (and this made me mad), I laid down on the couch to take a nap and had a seizure, therefore, I'm not supposed to drive for six months. On top of that, because of the accident at work, I'm not supposed to drive any motorized vehicle there either. Forgive my language, but I'm really pissed off about the whole thing. The past couple years have been a big rollercoaster for me, so I'm in counseling for it.
On another note, about the heat, I work at a place where they make livestock feed, and the building isn't climate-controlled. So, the heat is a factor, and I take a gallon thermos of water to work. Even then, I have had to refill it before the day is through. I get headaches if I don't keep myself well-hydrated.
Mark S.