Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[fast5] Re: Donating blood fasted



The blood bank is suggesting eating something because they don't want anyone fainting or injured and they don't discriminate between those who are adapted to fasting and those who have not eaten on their usual schedule. I've donated blood for years in a fasted state with no problem, but that doesn't mean it won't be a problem for someone else. Your safety and that of others (i.e., if you'll be driving afterward) is the primary consideration.

I have little doubt that you would be fine donating in a fasted state, but if you haven't donated blood before while fasting, no one can really know what your response will be. Eating something as a precaution may be the wisest choice. Psychology gets involved here (especially for those who hate needles or the sight of blood) so pure physiology isn't all one has to consider.

Your safety and that of others comes first; the blood product will be fine either way.

Best wishes,

--- In, "RickS" <no3rdseat@...> wrote:
> I hope someone can answer this really quickly... I have an appointment to donate blood in two hours. Before I got off the phone, the lady told me to make sure I eat something an hour before I donate.
> I don't like to eat until late in the day, and I'm in ketosis. Under these circumstances, do I still need to eat before donating whole blood?
> Thanks
> Rick

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