Have not tried this yet. but have given up butter for a long time now.. Miss it a lot, so may try this, as a little olive oil is good for you. maybe even for some things a little olive oil, apple cider vinegar with spices, garlic powder (not garlic salt) .....sweet basil is my favorite spice.. can make some things taste better as well. ~M
> The Better Butter
> By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
> Published January 03, 2011
> The thought of having to give up many of your favorite foods in order
> to lose weight can be daunting. Fortunately, I believe there is room
> for all foods �including butter� in a healthy, balanced diet. That
> said, I also believe there are satisfying substitutions you can make
> for less nutritious foods that won't leave you feeling deprived.
> Instead of slathering on the butter, I want you to try a simple switch
> to a healthier fat for a few days. Fill a small plastic container with
> olive oil and put it in the refrigerator. The oil will harden, taking
> on the consistency of butter. Spread this on your toast instead of
> butter. It will taste different at first, but after a few days, your
> taste buds will grow used to it. And you'll probably even come to
> prefer the olive oil.
> Your coach,
> Jorge Cruise
Friday, September 30, 2011
[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Re: File - The Better Butter
Re: [epilepsy] Reevaluation from Motor Vehicle
I understand that BUT having to re-take the test because of seizures and headaches???? People with DWI dont' have to take the test again but I do. I have meds to control my seizures-alcohols dont give up alcohol and take meds to stop drinking but they dont' have to re-take the test
From: Millie Myers <mylmy@gogreencroft.net>
To: epilepsy@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Reevaluation from Motor Vehicle
I am surprised that a lawyer would take this on if that is the
law in your state. How long did you have szs? You aren't
being treated like a criminal. It happens to be the law..
Some places they have to wait a year or more.
----- Original Message -----
From: Susan Wain
To: epilepsy@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:26 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Reevaluation from Motor Vehicle
I live in NJ and would only have to take my driving test again. Normally if U have seizures you don't have to but my doctor wrote EVERTHING to DMV - dizziness, confusion, etc and now that my meds have helped all of that, DMV doesn't care and they still want me to re-take my test again and I have to go to a driving school to get a permit. People who drive drunk arent' re-tested but if you have a seizure disorder or any type of medical problem you are crucified and treated like a common criminal. I've only been seizure free for two months and in NJ its 6 months to a year before you can re apply for ur license but I'm still mad and I have a lawyer as I'm fighting this. If my doctor says I can drive I will go to a lawyer to fight this test thing again
From: DorisY <dorisellen@nc.rr.com>
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Does this sound like epilepsy???
Have you tried going to a neurologist? One of my doctors said it was stress in the hospital after I had my first seizsure and after a year of testing found out it was epilepsy with slow brain waves. Stress can induce a seizure but there has to be a reason for having them.
From: Julie Hope <epilepsyhealth@sasktel.net>
To: epilepsy@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [epilepsy] Re: Does this sound like epilepsy???
Hi Dawn
Stress is a funny thing. You may not feel at all stressed out in fact just the opposite and that is stress.
Do a search on Yahoo for 'signs of stress' and you will be surprised at the different ones. I right now am
super excited about going tomorrow for bbq at our daughters and seeing some of our great grand kids. Yet I
can feel in the underlying part of the brain there is stress. It is unexplainable how it shows in so many
different ways- or at least I can't explain... :)
If you don't get your medical records and full file, a new doctor will request them for sure. This is what
happened with me anyway.
Before you go to any dr or hospital write down a complete list of any questions (even should you think they
are stupid in nature) and hand it to the dr. Keep a list of everything that happens like a daily journal,
right down to the food he ate that day. Go with your gut - can certainly understand how you are feeling at
this time.
Best of luck
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn" <dgroeschen@straitscorp.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 10:01 AM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: Does this sound like epilepsy???
Thanks for responding Julie. I'm assuming that I'll be seeing an epileptologist, as I'll be at an epilepsy
I really don't feel terribly stressed right now, nor did I when all this started. From what I've read about
pseudoseizures, they are normally stress-induced, and often stem from traumatic childhood events. The one
thing that does bother me is the neurologist who was treating me at the hospital gave me only 4 doses of
epilepsy meds, decided I wasn't responding, and then said it wasn't epilepsy at all. The only treatment I'm
receiving right now is xanax, which my family doctor is hoping--and so far has--will stop the seizures until I
can get to the epilepsy clinic.
I also can't decide if I should request my full medical record, or just the tests that were done (ct-scan,
mri, eeg, bloodwork, ekg). I want an unbiased second opinion, and I don't know what other information is in
the doctor's notes.
I do know that some of the nurses' notes were biased, as I read them after the neuro changed his mind. My son
had taken Keppra, and was taking 3500mg/day, and they were starting me on 1000mg, saying that was based on
weight. My son was only about 120lb at diagnosis, and they started him on 1500mg/day. I questioned the nurse
about the dosage, and her notes in my file read like I was a junkie looking to score drugs.
We were very frustrated with the lack of explanation we received at our local hospital, but are hopeful that
the information we get at a large epilepsy clinic will be more detailed and explained to our satisfaction.
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "Julie Hope" <epilepsyhealth@...> wrote:
The best dr to explain and diagnosis them to you is an epileptologist who deals with
> epilepsy alone. He told us after that most people with epilepsy also have pseudo ones. That pseudo were to
> be
> taken just as serious as the real ones and also given basically the same med. in order to control.
> You could very well had a type of seizure earlier in your life and not realized what it was. Many people do
> and therefore don't get diag. until later on.
> Please feel free to contact me any time. I know I have had pseudo ones now and then (Generalized GM. are
> the
> main ones, but have all types) even though they have not been diag.
> Best of luck to you
> Keep smiling
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@...
> http://www.2betrhealth.com
Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to clean up messages when you reply
to them. This is especially important if you are on digest. This not only helps out the list owner but, it
makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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[Prince-4ever] Cassandra O'Neal of the NPG - Exclusive Video Interview
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]
Re: [epilepsy] Re: Does this sound like epilepsy???
Hi Dawn
Stress is a funny thing. You may not feel at all stressed out in fact just the opposite and that is stress.
Do a search on Yahoo for 'signs of stress' and you will be surprised at the different ones. I right now am
super excited about going tomorrow for bbq at our daughters and seeing some of our great grand kids. Yet I
can feel in the underlying part of the brain there is stress. It is unexplainable how it shows in so many
different ways- or at least I can't explain... :)
If you don't get your medical records and full file, a new doctor will request them for sure. This is what
happened with me anyway.
Before you go to any dr or hospital write down a complete list of any questions (even should you think they
are stupid in nature) and hand it to the dr. Keep a list of everything that happens like a daily journal,
right down to the food he ate that day. Go with your gut - can certainly understand how you are feeling at
this time.
Best of luck
Julie Hope
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dawn" <dgroeschen@straitscorp.com>
To: <epilepsy@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 10:01 AM
Subject: [epilepsy] Re: Does this sound like epilepsy???
Thanks for responding Julie. I'm assuming that I'll be seeing an epileptologist, as I'll be at an epilepsy
I really don't feel terribly stressed right now, nor did I when all this started. From what I've read about
pseudoseizures, they are normally stress-induced, and often stem from traumatic childhood events. The one
thing that does bother me is the neurologist who was treating me at the hospital gave me only 4 doses of
epilepsy meds, decided I wasn't responding, and then said it wasn't epilepsy at all. The only treatment I'm
receiving right now is xanax, which my family doctor is hoping--and so far has--will stop the seizures until I
can get to the epilepsy clinic.
I also can't decide if I should request my full medical record, or just the tests that were done (ct-scan,
mri, eeg, bloodwork, ekg). I want an unbiased second opinion, and I don't know what other information is in
the doctor's notes.
I do know that some of the nurses' notes were biased, as I read them after the neuro changed his mind. My son
had taken Keppra, and was taking 3500mg/day, and they were starting me on 1000mg, saying that was based on
weight. My son was only about 120lb at diagnosis, and they started him on 1500mg/day. I questioned the nurse
about the dosage, and her notes in my file read like I was a junkie looking to score drugs.
We were very frustrated with the lack of explanation we received at our local hospital, but are hopeful that
the information we get at a large epilepsy clinic will be more detailed and explained to our satisfaction.
--- In epilepsy@yahoogroups.com, "Julie Hope" <epilepsyhealth@...> wrote:
The best dr to explain and diagnosis them to you is an epileptologist who deals with
> epilepsy alone. He told us after that most people with epilepsy also have pseudo ones. That pseudo were to
> be
> taken just as serious as the real ones and also given basically the same med. in order to control.
> You could very well had a type of seizure earlier in your life and not realized what it was. Many people do
> and therefore don't get diag. until later on.
> Please feel free to contact me any time. I know I have had pseudo ones now and then (Generalized GM. are
> the
> main ones, but have all types) even though they have not been diag.
> Best of luck to you
> Keep smiling
> Julie
> Julie Hope
> epilepsyhealth@...
> http://www.2betrhealth.com
Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to clean up messages when you reply
to them. This is especially important if you are on digest. This not only helps out the list owner but, it
makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.
Yahoo! Groups Links
[Prince-4ever] Re: [SheilaEandtheETrain] Video links ...

Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]
From: j2 <j_2_the@yahoo.com>
To: SheilaEandtheETrain@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 7:05 AM
Subject: [SheilaEandtheETrain] Video links...
[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Re: Chicken Rojo - 39.9g Carbs CORRECTED to 10.7g Carbs, 3.4g Fiber
Thanks to Gary for the question! This should help!
As far as the recipes here... I prefer to post them with the PER SERVING nutrition information. IF it is for the entire recipe... I do state that... but that is rare.
Some specific nutrition for Tomatoes and Vidalia onions:
Tomatoes are naturally high in sugar, this recipe calls for 6 large the nutrition example I have included is for 1 medium tomato. As much as I love tomatoes they do tend to effect my readings.
For a tomato:
1 medium whole (2-3/5" dia) (123.0 g)
Nutrition per Serving:
4.8g Total Carbs, 1.5g Dietary Fiber, 3.2g Sugars
For 1/2 cup Vidalia onions:
Serving Size: 1/2 cup chopped raw (80.0 g)
Nutrition per Serving:
7g Total Carbs, 1g Dietary Fiber, 3g Sugars
--->>> I ran the nutrition again... must have been an error on my part. I apologize... some days I do not feel so good. Just recently began getting over the side effects of yet another medication I had to discontinue taking!
Thanks for the catch Gary!!
Anyway, here it is again...
The letter at the end of each ingredient is the nutrition grade.
24 ounces boneless skinless chicken (3-5 chicken breasts or thighs) B-
6 tomatoes, large A
1/2 onion, cut into quarters A
3 Tbsp light olive oil B
2 cups low sodium chicken broth (mixed with 2 cups of water)
1 tsp oregano A
1/2 tsp cumin A
1 tsp garlic, peeled and crushed A
1/2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder A-
1 Tbsp chile powder, red (or chile paste) A
Servings: 4
Serving Size: 502 g (17.7075289 ounces)
Nutrition per Serving:
469 Calories, 212 Calories from Fat, 23.6g Total Fat, 5g Saturated Fat, 151mg Cholesterol, 211mg Sodium, 10.7g Total Carbs, 3.4g Dietary Fiber, 5.6g Sugars, 52.4g Protein
Vitamin A 44% - Vitamin C 43% - Calcium 6% - Iron 19%
Nutrition Grade: B+
Good points:
Low in sodium
High in niacin
High in selenium
High in vitamin B6
Bad points:
High in cholesterol
Take care... and if I should make an error... please feel free to let me know... It should be corrected so all can benefit.
--- In Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends@yahoogroups.com, Gary Davis <artshop@...> wrote:
> After reading this recipe I found myself wondering where all the carbs were coming from!!! But I see towards the bottom it lists the 39.9 as the TOTAL carb count. Given that the recipe is for four servings, am I correct in assuming the carb count is actually 10g per serving?
> Also, just to clarify, I'm under the impression that most recipes from this list give a "PER SERVING" carb count at opposed to a "TOTAL" carb count. Am I correct in that?
> Thanks,
> Gary
> On 9/29/2011 1:08 PM,
> Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends@yahoogroups.com wrote:
> > 2. Chicken Rojo - 39.9g Carbs, 4.4g Fiber, 10.9g Sugar
> > Posted by: "Chef Gloria 1030"chefgloria1030@... chefgloria1030
> > Date: Wed Sep 28, 2011 2:27 pm ((PDT))
> >
> > Chicken Rojo - 39.9g Carbs, 4.4g Fiber, 10.9g Sugar
> >
> > The nutrition is fromwww.caloriecount.about.com -
> > {I used low sodium chicken broth for the nutrition but the sodium
> > shows high so be sure to read the label for the broth you use. I
> > also left out the additional salt. I allowed a total of 24 ounces
> > of boneless chicken for the nutrition information. Like the review
> > states the recipe is lacking in some details. IF using canned
> > tomatoes consider using no salt added type to further cut back on
> > the sodium, Take care, Gloria}
> >
> > From: Chelsie Kenyon, About.com Guide Mexican Food
> >
> > The great thing about this dish is that you can assemble your ingredients
> > while the chicken simmers, so it cuts down on prep time. It only takes
> > 30 minutes cooking time from start to finish.
> > Prep Time: 5 minutes
> > Cook Time: 30 minutes
> > Total Time: 35 minutes
> >
> > 3-5 chicken breasts or thighs
> > 6 tomatoes, large
> > 1/2 onion, cut into quarters
> > 3 Tbsp of oil
> > 2 cups chicken broth mixed with 2 cups of water
> > 1 tsp oregano
> > 1/2 tsp cumin
> > 1 tsp garlic, peeled and crushed
> > 1/2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
> > 1 Tbsp red chile powder or chile paste
> > Salt to taste
> >
> > Preheat broiler on high.
> >
> > Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a large pan over high heat. Brown the
> > chicken pieces on each side. Cover chicken with chicken broth and
> > bring to a boil. While it's coming to a boil, slice the top off of
> > each tomato and place cut side down on a cookie sheet along with the
> > onions. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of oil over them. Place in broiler
> > and remove when tomato skins become very wrinkled and shriveled.
> >
> > While the tomatoes are broiling, bring the chicken broth to a strong
> > simmer and add in the chile, cumin, oregano, garlic and cocoa.
> >
> > When the tomatoes are ready, remove from broiler and let cool for
> > 1 minute.
> >
> > While the tomatoes cool, turn the chicken
> >
> > Peel the skin off of each tomato and use a spoon to remove the seeds
> > from the middle. Using your fingers, mash the tomato a little and
> > add into the sauce. Separate the onions and stir into the sauce.
> > Let the sauce reduce while chicken finishes cooking.
> >
> > If the liquid cooks off to fast, add water about a half cup each
> > time, until the chicken reaches 170 degrees or is no longer pink
> > inside.
> >
> > Servings: 4
> > Nutrition per Serving:
> > 558 Calories, 286 Calories from Fat, 31.8g Total Fat, 3.3g Saturated Fat,
> > 0g Trans Fat, 60mg Cholesterol, 1984mg Sodium, 39.9g Total Carbs,
> > 4.4g Dietary Fiber, 10.9g Sugars, 28.2g Protein
> > Vitamin A 35% - Vitamin C 41% - Calcium 7% - Iron 24%
> > Nutrition Grade: C+
> >
> > User Review - -
> > Light on details, but delicious in the end!, Member aspencer80
> > "Since the recipe doesn't give time or temperature settings you'll
> > have to monitor the food while you cook it. I only had two tomatoes,
> > but used canned diced tomatoes to make up for the rest. They worked
> > just fine. The flavor is spectacular, even though I didn't have oregano
> > or chili powder. I added a little ground red pepper powder to give
> > it some kick. I was worried that 2 cups broth and 2 cups water was
> > too much liquid. I ended up boiling the mixture for 15 minutes just
> > to reduce it down and I worried that I'd be overcooking the chicken...
> > but fortunately the chicken came out great. Best served with your
> > favorite Mexican rice. It will absorb the Chicken Rojo juices nicely."
[Prince-4ever] Re: [SheilaEandtheETrain] Photos from Release Party

Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]
From: j2 <j_2_the@yahoo.com>
To: SheilaEandtheETrain@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 3:25 AM
Subject: [SheilaEandtheETrain] Photos from Release Party
[Healthy_Recipes_For_Diabetic_Friends] Ethiopian Lentil Bowl (Amhari - Mesir Wat) - 39.6g Carbs, 18.3g Fiber, 3.5g Suga
Ethiopian Lentil Bowl (Amhari - Mesir Wat) - 39.6g Carbs, 18.3g Fiber, 3.5g Sugar
From: www.HungryMonster.com
This recipe is common to the Ethiopian Jews (Phalashi).
My understanding is that these are NOT unique to them.
Course: Lentils
Serves: 8
1/2 kilogram red lentils (1/2 kilogram = 17.63 oz)
2 large onions
1/2 cup oil
3 Tbsp tomato paste
1/2 tsp paprika, sweet or hot
1 head garlic
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 tsp salt
3 cups water
Sort the lentils and soak in tap water for 30 minutes. Rinse in running
water and drain. Peel and finely chop the onions. Peel and mash the
garlic. Heat the oil in large pan and saute the onion until golden.
Add tomato paste and paprika and mix. Add half the water and the
garlic, ginger pepper and salt. Stir well and then add the rest of
the water, stir again, cover and bring to boil. When the water boil,
add the lentils, lower the flame and cook 20-30 minutes, until the
lentils soften. Serve hot.
Nutrition from: www.caloriecount.about.com
Serves: 8
Serving Size: 206 g
Nutrition per Serving:
345 Calories, 129 Calories from Fat, 14.3g Total Fat, 1.9g Saturated Fat,
0g Trans Fat, 0mg Cholesterol, 305mg Sodium, 39.6g Total Carbs,
18.3g Dietary Fiber, 3.5g Sugars, 15.5g Protein
Vitamin A 4% - Vitamin C 12% - Calcium 5% - Iron 26%
Nutrition Grade: A-
Good points:
No cholesterol
Very high in dietary fiber