Monday, April 30, 2012

[epilepsy] Our daughter Jane also died of SUDEP & our blog


Hi, just saying hello. You can read about our daughter Jane on our blog which is also there to help raise awareness about sudep.

Although we're based in Oxford, UK the blog is aimed at a global audience. A feature of the blog is a list of links to webpages about others who have also died. There are nearly 200 people listed.

If you know of someone who would want to be added to the list, please tell them to contact me - andyswarbs at or through this group. Also I try to ask permission (when I find an email etc of a page owner, next of kin), so if you recognize one of the names please ask the relevant person to contact me.

Hoping this post is okay on this group. I'm happy to answer questions on or off list.


Recent Activity:
Just a friendly reminder: Please remember to sign your post and remember to clean up messages when you reply to them.  This is especially important if you are on digest.  This not only helps out the list owner but, it makes messages much easier to read when they arrive in our inboxes.



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