You make some 'valid' points B, I'm in 100% agree and I'm not a Christian ... 

Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]
From: Belinda <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever][morrisdaythetime4life] The Original 7ven on Jay Leno - 10/27/11
Yup... embarrassing. Sure, it makes him a good businessman but it also makes him a bad Christian. I guess it doesn't make him a good friend either. He's Prince and he's a Gemini so I guess that means he doesn't have to decide which one he wants to be, but telling people to live 4 love, come 2gether as one and show love 4 one another does not co-exist well with doing un2 other and then running. He didn't like it when Warner Brothers took his name. He went all out slave on everybody. Sent out letters asking us 2 come out in the cold and support his freedom. I nearly froze my ass off in supporting him because I thought he was justified in trying to fight 4 the right 2 use a name that made him famous. Maybe it's just my opinion but I don't think a good Christian would do something to someone else that they didn't like having done 2 them. But it's his journey, not mine. I guess Money does matter 2night and I'll just focus my love on that other twin who says Live 4 Love and show love 4 one another, not the one who is 'This' and sees everyone else as 'That which is not This'.
"How is it that a brother always wanna keep another one back"
"How is it that a brother always wanna keep another one back"
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 10:45 AM, ~*[[PFL]]*~ <> wrote:
There was a recent article that came out and I emaled it to the groups but, I found this interesting:On negotiating with Prince to use 'the Time'"The rumblings were out that we were making a record," Day explained, "and he reached out to us and sent a cease-and-desist letter."Lewis, who handled the negotiations, was more diplomatic: "He has his viewpoint; we have ours. We've been the Time since 1981. I don't understand why there would be any issue with that. I'm not trying to challenge someone for something that they believe they created or owned. I don't understand why it has to get to this point and be this serious. So we'll take the high road."Johnson thinks Prince has changed over the years. "He's not the person that I grew up with since I was 12," the drummer said. "Who has time to be in court fighting about a name you've done had for 30 years? He's a chronic litigator. He has the money to do it; I don't."
Peace, Love & Light [& Stay Funky] ...
NPG Member 4 Life ... [Live 4 Love]
From: Belinda <>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: [Prince-4ever] Fw: [morrisdaythetime4life] The Original 7ven on Jay Leno - 10/27/11
Yes I know.... the Man strikes again. He's so embarrassing sometimes :-(
~BOn Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 7:45 PM, John Donnelly Jr <> wrote:
Prince owns the rights to the names "the family" and "the time" both groups asked Prince to sign over the rights so they could use the names and Prince said "no".
Prince owns the rights because he created the groups and did most of the writing and producing of all the music the groups generated. He does this to keep on receiving royalty rights to any music sold and also has the right to perform any songs on his tours. Welcome 2 America tour Prince performed "cool", "the bird" and "jungle love" all time songs but he was credited with the writing and producing on the tracks.
Daddy popSincerely,
John Donnelly JrFrom: Belinda <>Sender: Prince-4ever@yahoogroups.comDate: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:04:40 -0400ReplyTo: Prince-4ever@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [Prince-4ever] Fw: [morrisdaythetime4life] The Original 7ven on Jay Leno - 10/27/11Chelsea is all up on Jesse. Didn't even notice the light skinned brothers. LOL!
The Original 7. I don't know, I guess just like FDeluxe (Formerly The Family) their name must also be owned by the Man.
~BOn Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:31 AM, tracie cozart-bosley <> wrote:
thanks for this, I had been searching since 8 this AM eastern time."Curiosity, it knows no shame"TCB
From: Anita <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 11:15 AM
Subject: [Prince-4ever] Fw: [morrisdaythetime4life] The Original 7ven on Jay Leno - 10/27/11
~Anita~"Act Ur Age, Not Ur Shoe Size"
Prince 4 Ever Forwarded Message -----
From: Anita <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: [morrisdaythetime4life] The Original 7ven on Jay Leno - 10/27/11
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